What is DNS and how it works?

DNS : Domain Naming System All the electonice devices connected to internet communicate to each other via a sequence of numbers called ipaddresses. Since it’s difficult for humans to remember these IPAddresses, there is a central server which translates the requested resource name to an ip address. It’s like a phonebook with domain name and ipaddresses.

Types of DNS Servers
  • DNS Recursive servers
    • These are provided by ISP provider (internet providers), which assign an ipaddress to one’s machine.
  • The request is then forwarded to Naming server. Types of Naming servers
    • Root Name Server
    • TLD name server
    • Authoritative name server

What is Domain Name?

Domain name is the address of the website. Each website has an ipaddress assigned to it which is it’s unique address. When a address like ‘google.com’ is entered in browser, the domain is translated in DNS server to ipaddress and routed to correct servers. Domain Name is similar to saving the home residential address of “123 Street W, City 180004” as “Home” in the phone.